Six Proofreading Tips To Make Your Blog Shine

Proofreading Tips

The “Solid Six” Proofreading Tips

Proofreading Tips

How many times have you hit the send button before proofreading? Minor spelling or grammar mistakes are very common in the world of blogging, and I fall victim quite often. It’s usually those instances where I’ve spent hours looking at my screen, that I find the most “post-publishing” errors. Errors like misspelled words, punctuation snafus and incorrect word usage (there, their and they’re) are the most common.

A recent post published by the collaborative blogging platform, Niume, provides six killer proofreading tips that are not only easy to follow, but are probably things you’ve contemplated doing! One tip not referenced in Niume’s Top Six is reading more. I’ve found  that increasing my level of “literary intake” aids in keeping my error limit low.

Proofreading Tips

Niume’s post compiles a short list of proofreading tips in order to help the average blogger optimize his or her articles and get the most out of his or her blog posts.

Six solid proofreading tips:

  • Read it aloud. Pretend you’re in front of an audience and get to reading! Hearing the words of your content will help you detect errors that you may unintentionally skim over with your eyes.


  • Have a friend proof your post. They will catch errors and share if your story makes sense.


  • Keep a list of words you commonly misspell. Some words are hard not to spell incorrectlyI’m looking at you “definitely.”


  • Keep resources handy. Master the rules and reference them when you forget. Do so with offline and online resources such as Penguin Dictionaries. I use my hubby’s because it’s cute and compact.


  • Read it backwards. Not understanding context is beneficial in the proofreading process. You can focus on each word and sentence without the distraction of context.


  • Try out some FREE online proofreading tools. There are a few out there that can aid in catching those common mistakes we make. I used Polishmywriting to proofread this post, and I liked it!


Proofreading Tips

Remember that these are only SIX tips to improve your proofreading skills, there are tons more out there for you to seek. Should none of the above six proofreading tips tickle your fancy, I am certain that my tip regarding reading will help. As it’s a crucial and integral part of writing. I suggest finding a subject that you love, and reading all the books you can find covering that topic.

I guarantee you will see improvements, and an increase in readership!

2 thoughts on “Six Proofreading Tips To Make Your Blog Shine

  1. Ohhh good tips! I’ll have to try polish my writing. Grammerly is another one I’ve used before. It links into your google chrome. It kind of messed with my wordpress though so I removed it, but I may try it again and see if the bugs are gone.

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