Motherhood | Welcoming our sweet baby girl | Pregnancy, Birth & Breastfeeding

My husband and I welcomed the birth of our first child in May and are so in love with her. She’s become such a huge part of our lives in such a short time. It may sound cliché, but I never thought I could love someone so much. Every giggle, cry and baby toot simply melts my heart. That being said, I plan to use this transition as an opportunity to expand Gristle & Gossip beyond just food! “Motherhood” is  a new space dedicated to highlighting mommy/baby friendly products and all the tips and tricks I learn along the way. I’d love for you to join me as I embark on this new phase.. Subscribe to Gristle & Gossip today!

The newly added “Motherhood” section of Gristle & Gossip will be used to highlight just about everything I experience along this journey. From the “Top Foods to Keep You Sane during Your First Trimester,” to “Why You Should Stay the F**k off Google” during your pregnancy (and after). I’ve heard that being a parent is one of the most difficult/ rewarding jobs one could ever have.  Motherhood will shine light on the fun, lighthearted and somewhat comical aspects of my new job!

I’ve included some teaser topics below, that I plan to elaborate on in separate posts. Special shout to KBG Chatter and World’s Okayest Moms for helping me through these first two months! If you are a new or expecting mom, these Facebook groups are effing awesome!


Throughout my various stages of pregnancy and birth, I’ve come to realize just how truly blessed I am. Any mom will tell you that morning sickness is one of the worst parts of early pregnancy. Although I experienced no morning sickness, I did suffer from night-time nausea! My second and third trimesters were filled with food cravings and lethargy. I must have eaten my weight in cheese sticks, avocados from Mexico and snow cones because I gained a whopping 30 pounds! But on the bright side my hair grew about 4 inches!


On May 3rd at 8:08 am ( Paying homage to Kanye’s 808’s & Heartbreak) our beautiful daughter was delivered with ease via scheduled c-section. The decision to have a c-section stemmed from my a myomectomy I had three years ago. A Myomectomy is a type of surgery used to remove uterine fibroids. It typically consist of a hip to hip incision depending on the size of the benign mass. Due to the size of my fibroids, I was informed that birthing contractions could potentially rupture my uterus, leading to severe bleeding.  To minimize the risk of complications my OB/GYN and I decided that a C-section was best. I’m so glad we did because I honestly don’t know if I would have been able to push her out through my vag! I have a very low tolerance for pain, and misshapen baby heads really aren’t my thing.


I’ve always been a true believer in keeping things as natural as possible, especially when it pertains to our baby. So, prior to her birth I decided that she would be an EBF (exclusively breast fed) baby. I will be 100% real with you right now, breastfeeding is not for the faint of heart. It’s a game of patience and sometimes a little pain. Though breastfeeding shouldn’t be painful, it definitely has its “toe curling” moments. I am thankful for mommy support groups like Kingwood Boob Group. Here, moms have the ability to ask questions and get help from actual lactation consultants. They’re so helpful and they host classes to ensure that us new mommies have all the support we need. It’s very encouraging and makes the process even more beautiful.


Since the birth of our sweet baby girl, life as I know it is over… and I wouldn’t have it any other way. We are so thankful for the support of grandmas, aunts, uncles and YOU!

Join me as I embark on this new chapter of love and life.

Should you be a new mom…or an old one, who’s looking to share, grow and laugh subscribe to my blog and look for the Motherhood section. ♥

Cover photo by Johnice Photography.

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